The Critic, c1970
The Limits of Meditation, c1970
Cyst, c1968
Kottler in Profile, c1967
For the Record, c 1981
Vanity, c 1967-70
Mirror Image, 1980
Paisley Cup, 1973
Deco Dream Pot, 1970
Homage to Plato's Angels, 1970
It is 3 o'clock, 1970
Just One of the Girls, 1970
Pope Pie, 1970
Stretch Limo, 1970
Vaseline Vignette, 1970
Magic, 1969-72
Leonardo Da Vinci by Mona Lisa, 1969
Leonardo Lisa by Mona Da Vinci, 1969
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, 1969
Virgin Spring, 1967
Channel 5 Lincoln, Nebraska
Club Sandwich
Column Flower Stack
Detroit Texas Style
Ecumenical Voyeurs
Jimmy Jets
Slick Pitch for a Hickey Hitch