Paul Kotula Projects is excited to present Natural Consequence featuring Anne Currier, John Gill, Laith Karmo, Jim Melchert and Jim Shrosbree, an intergenerational group of artists whose work continues to transform the field of contemporary ceramics. 

In Philip Rawson's pivotal book, Ceramics (1971), the author discusses transformation images as a "natural consequence of the interrelationship between hand, material and intended function".  While the determining factor of ceramics is its fixity: pliable clay transforming into hardened material through fire, ceramics is also a medium that itself can be transformed. The five featured artists in this exhibition use clay and ceramics abstractly. 
In doing so, the consequences of their actions within the histories of tile, vessels and sculpture, reveal not only practices that embraces intuition and chance, but works that invite multiple interpretations. 
This exhibition is concurrent with Annabeth Rosen: Fired, Broken, Gathered, Heapedat Cranbrook Art Museum November 17 - March 10. This year Rosen and Melchert were both honored by the American Academy of Arts and Letters.